About Me
I spent my childhood in Florida eating unlimited supplies of fresh citrus from our backyard orange trees and all the fresh veggies I could get my hands on. I spent every possible minute outside playing in the sunshine or on the beach. Although I have called Texas home for many years now, my passion for fresh food, sunshine, and outdoor play hasn't changed a bit.
When I was 5 my kindergarten teacher asked each of us to write down our favorite food. I had to get some help spelling asparagus from the teacher and she seemed quite surprised at my choice. My mom says she should have known then that I would grow up to be a Nutritionist. Although I have always loved fresh food my journey to health has not been easy.
When I was 12 years old I began developing an eating disorder, within a year I was binging and purging up to 3-4 times per day. Whenever I was alone I would binge...and eventuallly purge. My family was in crisis and I was struggling with depression and anger. My way of coping was with food...my method of control was through purging and over exercising. I derrived my self-esteem and self-worth from my reflection in the mirror, how my behavior and appearance were perceived by others, and the number on the scale. I spent 6 years in this vicious cycle before I really began the process of healing. It was difficult and required me to be vulnerable and to really analyze the reasons for my disordered eating patterns.
My husband was a huge support to me during those early years of recovery and we have been married for 20 years. We have two kids, ages 16 and 6.
My battle with Bulimia and Extreme self-hatred have influenced the way I look at nutrition. I believe strongly in the importance of a healthy relationship with food and one's body. Those are life long relationships so keeping them healthy is vital! Eating should be enjoyable! Food is Fuel but it can be so much MORE! Moving our bodies should not be punishment for calories eaten rather an opportunity to keep our bodies functioning well for decades to come! I am not a believer in being a slave to the scale. For some it is actually a hinderance on their journey. Each person is unique and their path to health is as well!
I have been Gardening in Texas for almost 20 years. Teaching both adults and kids about nutrition through gardening and cooking has become a unique part of my practice. My hobbies vary depending on the season but most often include gardening, cooking, reading, basketball, swimming, and spending time with family and friends.